The body and mind are fundamentally one and the same. The hun, po, zhi, and yi are its manifest applications. The hun and po compose an individual's pre-natal instincts; the zhi and yi represent post-natal societal order. Constant application obtains instinct, a form of conditioned response.
The mind is another name for the spirit. This is the individual's original nature, not the logical, analytic thought process of the zhi and yi; this represents nothing more than the shallow workings of the nervous system. The spirit is also not the desires and emotions we feel; these are nothing more than the heart's response to the sensory experiences of the body.
The ancients say, the spirit unifies the hun and po, and completes the zhi and yi. This is the realization that the hun, po, zhi, yi represent two levels of physical and mental activity, the tools for preserving life, not the source of life itself.
How then do we come closer to the realization of truth? We commonly recognize the existense of the body and mind, and neglect that of the spirit. Desires arise from the sensory experiences of the physical body, and result in a wavering of emotion that we mistakenly identify with as self-existence; or in embracing our individuality and depth of reasoning, we accept the results of our analytic thought processes as self-truth. We grasp to our material creations, and our attention is stretched ever-further outwards, away from the source. The mind wavers and the spirit wanders, restlessly, we scatter ourselves without gathering until the mind and body suffer from exhaustion. This is the source of illness and accordingly, the root of its treatment.
The ancients say that there are but two ways in which to live: the path of outward seeking that leads one further from peace of mind, and the path of calming the mind, through which one turns inward to rediscover original nature.
In order to calm the mind and body, we must first orient ourselves directionally. We must look inward, without distraction, to sit idly and simply wait patiently for the wavering of emotion to pass. This is the doorway from which the path begins. We must remember that the body and mind are supported by the spirit just like the two sides of a balance are supported by its frame. This capricious, unsettled condition of the mind and body is similar to the see-sawing movements of a balance when weight is first applied. There is no need to remedy the situation through the use of brute strength. Instead, we must learn to escape from this 'weight' by setting the mind and body free, by observing above and below, accepting the right and left, and allow it to fall into a state of balance.
Looking inward we must observe the sensory experiences of the body and the movements of intention. By becoming intimate with the internal effects of external stimuli down to the finest detail we can see that our true nature is not in the body, nor is it in consciousness. The energy of the body shifts, the jing and the spirit become clear, allowing the body to regulate itself and the mind to be at ease.
The wandering child returns to become master of the home.
1 comment:
What a great website. These are some great translations, Brian, and I couldn't agree with you more on the present state of TCM in Mainland China (for those that don't know me, I'm a third year student at the Shanghai University of TCM).
Thank you for putting this information out there, and please continue to do so: it is very helpful and comforting to see that I (/we here at SHUTCM) am not the only one(s) both dissatisfied with the current state of TCM and yet, at the same time, aware of its potential.
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