I have come back to the chapter on pulse diagnosis following the recent AWB training session in
These readings are the initial steps toward a personal goal of beefing-up my own rudimentary understanding of pulse diagnosis, which as Peng indicates requires a highly integrated study approach that permeates all aspects of the medicine. Stay tuned for more commentaries, translations and with any luck, major epiphanies, as the journey continues…
Trans: The study of pulse diagnosis consists of pulse position, finger technique, pulse patterns and pulse theory. After understanding pulse position and finger technique, you should abandon all preconceptions in order to clearly grasp the true pattern of the pulse. It is important to have a system for the study of pulse patterns and pulse theory within the course of your ordinary studies in order to form a more integrated understanding.
On FingerTechnique and Pulse Position
From times long past, pulse diagnosis has been performed on each of the two arms separately. According to circular movement theory, pulse diagnosis must be performed on both arms simultaneously in order to fully observe information regarding the circular movement of the body as a whole…It is also necessary to use downward diagonal placement of the three fingers. The index finger is pressed to the superficial level of the cun position, the middle finger is pressed to the mid-level of the guan position, and the fourth finger is pressed to the deep level of the chi position. The deep level corresponds to the bones, the mid-level to the muscles, and the superficial level to the skin. Downward diagonal reading means the pressure applied by the middle finger is greater than that of the index finger and the pressure applied by the fourth finger is stronger than the middle finger. This is the three position method of diagnosis. If the three fingers are not differentiated according to varying degrees of pressure, they will not correspond to the fundamental positioning of the cun, guan, and chi pulses. In addition to the three positions, there are also the nine indications, each position containing three indications, making nine in total.
When performing pulse diagnosis, the fingers cannot rest stiffly on the pulse. The process is similar to placing one’s line of sight on a distant object, adjusting one’s focus or angle until the object is comprehended. Three position nine indication pulse diagnosis is much the same.Although the verb “to look” is often used in referring to pulse diagnosis, however, the verb “to listen” may be much more appropriate. If you are able to experientially grasp the meaning of this character “to listen”, you will certainly become more skilled than the average person in pulse diagnosis. The process of listening is much quieter than that of looking. Looking involves movement away from oneself in order to see something, while listening involves the movement of some information toward oneself. We must be able to listen in order to gain a complete understanding. First, use the fingers to investigate the status of the nine indications, waiting for the pulse to come to you. The pulse and fingers meet, and yet we still do not listen to the pulse; simply remain examining the status of the nine indications in a relaxed state between consciousness and unconsciousness, listening for the point of disease within the pulse. As you continue seeking, listen to all indications in symphony and then split individually; listen to each indication individually and then again in symphony. The pulse pattern as a whole is like the individual’s unique River Picture. Seeking individuation among the symphony will allow you to locate the point of illness, while listening to the symphony of the pulse as the sum of its individual parts will allow you to determine the appropriate prescription. In summary, you cannot go searching for the pulse. Instead you must wait for the pulse to come to you. Going searching for the pulse implies that you have preconceptions that will prevent you from obtaining the true pattern of the pulse.